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Mystic Alpenglow - The Satirical Air

Mystic Alpenglow - The Satirical Air

Mystic Alpenglow - The Satirical Air

Regular price CHF 1,000,000.00
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Lenfantvivant's 'Mystic Alpenglow' is not just an object; it's a critique encapsulated in glass – a satirical sculpture that challenges the commodification of the intangible. This artwork, a jar of Swiss mountain air, embodies a mocking jest at the absurdity of consumer culture's quest for packaged experiences. It invites us to ponder on the intangibility of essence and the human propensity to grasp at the ephemeral. This piece serves as a physical metaphor for the vacuity of material pursuits and a reminder to confront the raw truths of existence.

Product Disclaimer: "The 'Mystic Alpenglow' by Lenfantvivant is an artistic installation. It is intended as a satirical critique of consumerism, not a product with functional attributes. The contained air is symbolic, representing the essence of the Swiss mountains, and is not meant to be taken literally. Any perceived value lies in its artistic expression and conceptual significance.

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