The Illusion of Control
In the depths of our being, a paradoxical struggle unfolds. A part of us yearns for control, convinced that our sense of security and stability hinges on our ability to dictate outcomes. Yet, another part of us whispers that true freedom lies in embracing the unknown, in letting go of our need for control. This internal conflict is a constant companion, a relentless battle between our desire for mastery and our surrender to the present moment. To resolve this tension, we must cultivate trust in the natural flow of life. Trust is not something we acquire from outside, but rather an inner state that arises from simply being. As we let go of our need for control, we may encounter anxiety and stress. But these feelings are not enemies to be vanquished; they are guides that highlight the discord between our true self and the external expectations that have misled us. By embracing this anxiety as a teacher, we can discover the eternal force within us, a force that is unshakable, unchangeable, and independent of external control. - Lenfantvivant